
Annexin V, CF800 Conjugate

ArtNr B-29078
Hersteller Biotium
Menge 25 UG
Typ Reagents
Specific against other
ECLASS 10.1 42051003
ECLASS 11.0 42051003
UNSPSC 12000000
Near-IR CF® dye Annexin V conjugate is Annexin V labeled with our superior near-IR fluorescent dyes. Annexin V is a 35-36 kDa protein that has a high affinity for phosphatidylserine (PS). In normal viable cells, PS is located on the cytoplasmic surface of the cell membrane. In apoptotic cells, however, PS is translocated from the inner to the outer leaflet of the plasmic membrane, making itself available for Annexin V binding. CF® dyes are Biotium's line of next-generation fluorescent dyes with advantages in brightness, photostability, and conjugate specificity compared to other fluorescent dyes. Near-infrared fluorescent CF® 800 dye has excitation/emission at 797/816 nm. Near-IR CF® Dye Annexin V does not contain azide or other potentially toxic materials, and thus is suitable for in vivo imaging.
blue ice
Storage Condition
F)-35C to -5C

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Alle Produkte sind nur für Forschungszwecke bestimmt. Nicht für den menschlichen, tierärztlichen oder therapeutischen Gebrauch.

Menge: 25 UG
Lieferbar: In stock

Lieferung vsl. bis 11.10.2024 


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