
Recombinant Human IGFBP5

Hersteller Cell Sciences
Typ Proteins
Specific against Human
Format Lyophilized
Menge 20 ug
ArtNr CS-BP5BU020
Targets INS
eClass 6.1 34160400
eClass 9.0 42020190
Biological Activity
Detected by immunoblot using an antibody specific for human IGFBP-5.
Human Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein-5 (IGFBP-5) is a 252 amino acid protein that is one of the six iclassicali IGF binding proteins that play an important role in stabilizing and regulating the activity of IGFs in vivo. Like hIGFBP-3 it forms a ternary complex with an acid-labile subunit (ALS). hIGFBP-5 preferentially binds IGF-II and it also binds with high affinity to extracellular matrix components which protect it from proteolysis. IGFBP-5 has a nuclear targeting sequence and, independent of the presence of IGF-I, fluorescently labeled IGFBP-5 is translocated to the nucleus of actively dividing cells. The significance of this observation is not yet understood.
Molecular Weight
31 - 32 kDa

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Alle Produkte sind nur für Forschungszwecke bestimmt. Nicht für den menschlichen, tierärztlichen oder therapeutischen Gebrauch.

Menge: 20 ug
Lieferbar: In stock

Lieferung vsl. bis 16.05.2024 


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