
Nerve Growth Factor Receptor (NGFR) predilute

ArtNr GME-IHC637-7
Hersteller GenomeMe
Menge 7ml
Typ Antibody Monoclonal
Clon IHC637
Specific against Human (Homo sapiens)
Host Mouse
ECLASS 10.1 42030590
ECLASS 11.0 42030590
UNSPSC 12352203
Nerve Growth Factor Receptor (NGFR), also known as p75, P-75NTR or CD271, is a neurotrophin receptor belonging to the tumor necrosis factor receptor family. NGFR is expressed mainly in Schwann cells and neurons, as well as a number of other non-neuronal cell types, and functions during central and peripheral nervous system development to regulate neuronal growth, migration, differentiation, and cell death. Nerve Growth Factor Receptor is also expressed in melanocytes, melanomas, neuroblastomas, pheochromocytomas, neurofibromas, neurotized nevi (type C melanocytes), and other neural crest cell or tumor derivatives. It has been suggested that NGFR may act as a tumor suppressor indicated in prostate and urothelial cancer, and Anti-Nerve Growth Factor Receptor (NGFR) is often used in adjunct with S100, to aid in the diagnosis of desmoplastic and neurotrophic malignant melanomas. Anti-NGFR is also useful as an aid in the diagnosis of breast malignancy, as the antibody labels the myoepithelial cells of breast ducts and intralobular fibroblasts of breast ducts.
Positive Control
Mouse Monoclonal
Dilution Range
1:100 - 1:200
Radfar A, et al. Am J Dermatopathol. 2006; 28:162-7.
Kaplan DR, et al. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 1997; 9:213-21.
Bunone G, et al. Oncogene. 1997; 14:1463-70.
Kanik AB, et al. J Cutan Pathol. 1996; 23:205-10.
Laskin WB, et al. Hum Pathol. 2000; 31:1230-41.
Lewis Kelso R, et al. Dermatol Surg. 2006; 32:177-83.
Liang Y, et al. J Invest Dermatol. 1998; 111:114-8.
Liang Y, et al. J Cutan Pathol. 1998; 25:189-98.
Liang Y, et al. Arch Dermatol Res. 1999; 291:14-21.

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Alle Produkte sind nur für Forschungszwecke bestimmt. Nicht für den menschlichen, tierärztlichen oder therapeutischen Gebrauch.

Menge: 7ml
Lieferbar: In stock


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