
Anti-Phospho-Smad2 (S250) Rabbit Monoclonal Antibody

Manufacturer Boster
Type Antibody Monoclonal
Specific against Human, Mouse, Rat
Clone HBC-19
Isotype IgG
Format Liquid
Applications WB, FC
Amount 100 ul
Host Rabbit
Item no. BOS-P00090-1
Targets SMAD2
eClass 6.1 32160702
eClass 9.0 42030590
Manufacturers Product Category
Primary Antibodies, Rabbit Monoclonal Antibodies
Manufacturers Research Category
Cancer, Cytoplasmic, Epigenetics and Nuclear Signaling, Growth Factors, Nuclear Signaling, Nuclear Signaling Pathways, Signal Transduction, Signaling Pathway, Stem Cells, TGF Beta
Short Description
Boster Bio Anti-Phospho-Smad2 (S250) Rabbit Monoclonal Antibody catalog # P00090-1. Tested in WB, Flow Cytometry applications. This antibody reacts with Human, Mouse, Rat.
Boster Bio Anti-Phospho-Smad2 (S250) Rabbit Monoclonal Antibody catalog # P00090-1. Tested in WB, Flow Cytometry applications. This antibody reacts with Human, Mouse, Rat.
Gene Name
Application Details
WB 1:1000-1:2000
FC 1:20
Actual concentration vary by lot. Use suggested dilution ratio to decide dilution procedure.
Rabbit IgG in phosphate buffered saline, pH 7.4, 150mM NaCl, 0.02% sodium azide and 50% glycerol, 0.4-0.5mg/ml BSA.
A synthesized peptide derived from human Smad2
Store at -20°C for one year. For short term storage and frequent use, store at 4°C for up to one month. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
Gene Full Name
Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 2
Molecular Weight
52306 MW
Protein Function
Receptor-regulated SMAD (R-SMAD) that is an intracellular signal transducer and transcriptional modulator activated by TGF-beta (transforming growth factor) and activin type 1 receptor kinases. Binds the TRE element in the promoter region of many genes that are regulated by TGF-beta and, on formation of the SMAD2/SMAD4 complex, activates transcription. May act as a tumor suppressor in colorectal carcinoma. Positively regulates PDPK1 kinase activity by stimulating its dissociation from the 14-3-3 protein YWHAQ which acts as a negative regulator..
Subcellular Localization
Cytoplasm. Nucleus. Cytoplasmic and nuclear in the absence of TGF-beta. On TGF-beta stimulation, migrates to the nucleus when complexed with SMAD4. On dephosphorylation by phosphatase PPM1A, released from the SMAD2/SMAD4 complex, and exported out of the nucleus by interaction with RANBP1.
Tissue Specificity
Expressed at high levels in skeletal muscle, endothelial cells, heart and placenta..

Note: The presented information and documents (Manual, Product Datasheet, Safety Datasheet and Certificate of Analysis) correspond to our latest update and should serve for orientational purpose only. We do not guarantee the topicality. We would kindly ask you to make a request for specific requirements, if necessary.

All products are intended for research use only (RUO). Not for human, veterinary or therapeutic use.

Amount: 100 ul
Available: In stock

Delivery expected until 7/5/2024 


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