
Heneicosapentaenoic Acid European Partner

Manufacturer TargetMol
Type Inhibitor
Specific against other
Amount 25mg
Item no. TMO-T38208-25mg
CASRN 24257-10-1
eClass 6.1 30220300
eClass 9.0 32160605
Short Description
Heneicosapentaenoic Acid (HPA) is a 21:5 ω-3 fatty acid present in trace amounts in the green alga B. pennata and in fish oils. Its chemical composition is similar to eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) except elongated with one carbon on the carboxyl end, placing the first double bond in the δ6 position. HPA can be used to study the significance of the position of the double bonds in ω-3 fatty acids. It incorporates into phospholipids and into triacylglycerol in vivo with the same efficiency as EPA and docosahexaenoic acid and exhibits strong inhibition of arachidonic acid synthesis from linoleic acid. HPA is a poor substrate for prostaglandin H synthase (PGHS) (cyclooxygenase) and for 5-lipoxygenase but retains the ability to rapidly inactivate PGHS.
cool pack
Molecular Weight
316, 48

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All products are intended for research use only (RUO). Not for human, veterinary or therapeutic use.

Amount: 25mg
Available: In stock

Delivery expected until 6/21/2024 


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