


Calbioreagents – Immunological (research) reagents

CalBioreagents is a US company based in San Mateo (California) that manufactures immunological reagents and research kits for diagnostic development and research applications. With over 25 years of experience in the field of immunological reagents and research products, CalBioreagents employees are experienced and qualified.

CalBioreagents immune reagents include monoclonal antibodies, polyclonal antibodies, conjugates and purified proteins. The areas of application are diverse and suitable for numerous applications. This includes the production of diagnostic kits or the development of immunoassays, but immunoprecipitation and immunohistochemistry can also be carried out efficiently and reliably. CalBioreagents produces high quality life science products for research and development and is a globally acting company.

The product line Id Protein (Id = inhibition of DNA binding) from CalBioreagents is a series of monoclonal rabbit antibodies that were developed against Id1, Id2, Id3 and Id4 of humans and mice. The proteins were originally discovered because of their involvement in the negative control of cell differentiation. Id proteins act as negative regulators of transcription through a physical interaction with transcription factors. The transcription factors are bHLH proteins (Basic Helix-Loop-Helix). Id proteins actively prevent DNA binding to bHLHs. Because of this activity, the group of these specific proteins was named Id for inhibitor of DNA binding. Id proteins can also bind to a number of other proteins, including, for example, Ets, Paz, MIDA-1 and SREBP-1c. In this way, they can play a central role in coordinating gene expression, cell proliferation, tumorigenesis, and angiogenesis. Id proteins are overexpressed in many types of tumors (neuroblastoma, pancreatic cancer or cervical cancer). There is increasing evidence that both Id1 and Id3 play a central role in angiogenesis: In Id1 Id3 knockout mice, it was shown that the loss of Id expression does not allow vascularization and subsequent growth of tumors. The reagents of the Id product line from CalBioreagents are suitable for IHC with formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues and for Western blotting.

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